Hi, my name is Rob Appell. I’m a California native, and it shows—surfing, hiking, and playing the guitar are at the top of my list, when I’m not behind a sewing machine. I have an awesome, supportive family. My wife and two kids are the center of my world. I love teaching people to sew and I’m jazzed to share my passion with you! If you’re wondering how I got started quilting, it all began when I was working in my mother’s quilt shop. I caught the quilt pox and there was no cure! I taught myself to quilt and my personal style emerged. Quilted seascapes became my trademark.
After a few years, I started designing fabric for Free Spirit. Not much later, I was designing quilts for Michael Miller’s new fabric releases too. After that I spent four years as the host of Missouri Star’s Man Sewing channel. Now I’m on to new adventures with Stitchin’ Heaven in Quitman, TX.
I am creating content on their Youtube Channel – Check it out! Sew Well with Rob Appell. It’s been amazing to reach out to all of you and share my love of sewing and quilting.
Thank you for being a part of this wild, creative journey!