I am MACC which is a play on my name’s initials. I’m married to the coolest man in the whole world and am Step-Mother to three amazing daughters. I live in sunny Los Angeles, California where I’m surrounded by all types of inspiration. I love all things Disney and can be found hanging out at the Disney theme parks. I am a couture crafter specializing in quilting and paper crafting.
M A Couture Crafting was established when I married my love for fashion and makeup with my love for Crafting. My favorite part of being a makeup artist was blending eyeshadow colors together — especially weird color combinations.
Why Couture? I do EVERYTHING by hand just like Fashion Designers hand sew beads to Couture gowns. I think the crafting community should receive the same respect as fashion designers for doing luxurious couture work. My Goal is to show there is diversity in the crafting community and help inspire Creators to Create!
Blending colors together to create unusual combinations is my thing so, you can expect to see vivid colors, ombré blends, and rainbows in virtually everything that I produce. Full tutorials are always available on my YouTube channel M A COUTURE CRAFTING.